Monash University Computing & Information Technology handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Information management project

J Anderson

8 points * 4 hours per week * First/Second semesters * Clayton * Prerequisites: LAR2003 and COT2180

Students work in small groups (up to about five people) on an information management project for a client who may be either internal or external to Monash. Project groups meet weekly with their supervisor for close direction. A series of seminars provides more general support. The project aims to integrate the knowledge and skills developed in earlier subjects within the course. Through close contact with the client and through the emphasis on team work, students will also develop skills and attitudes essential to professionals in the information management industry. Information management projects can be related to any aspect of practice in information management environments, although particular emphasis on identifying system requirements and developing a product to meet those requirements is preferred. The team, under the direction of the supervisor, will be required to develop a proposal which addresses the issue identified by the client, to design a product which addresses the issue, to implement the product, and to document the product. The assessment will be based on the production of a negotiated product, the adequacy of project management, the quality of the product (typically a project proposal, a project plan, a system specification and user documentation), team work and interaction with the client. Students will be assessed as a team on the quality of the product and individually on their contribution to the project.


Supervisor's report on group work: 25% * Seminar presentations: 25% * Product evaluation: 50%

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