Computer programming
K Harris
6 points * First semester * Distance * Corequisites: GC07822
Algorithms; introduction to structured design; the C++ language, lexical elements and basic syntax; simple data types, variables, constants, declarations; block structure, expressions, statements, compound statements; input, output; control structures; storage classes; scope rules; information hiding; functions and parameters; function calls, passing parameters by value and by reference. Arrays; character and string handling; testing and debugging and techniques; compiler usage. Distance education students will require good access to a computer (preferably an IBM PC or compatible) and a C++ compiler. Borland C++ is strongly recommended. Access to the university's computer systems via modem is compulsory.
Compulsory `hurdle' assignments * Examination: 100%
Prescribed texts
Deitel H M and Deitel P J C: How to program 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1994
Robertson L A Simple program design Addison-Wesley, 1993