Monash University Computing & Information Technology handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Operating systems

4 points * Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 3-hour laboratory per fortnight * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: As for CSC2010; a knowledge of C programming is assumed * Prohibitions: COT2040, GCO2814, RDT2141

This subject describes the software organisation of computers. It covers the following topics: memory allocation, controlled sharing, enforced separation, memory as a resource, multiprogramming, process management, mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, critical regions, kernels, shared memory, file systems, protection. The practical component is based upon the operating systems laboratory.


Examination: 2 hours * Satisfactory assessment in laboratory classes must be obtained

Recommended texts

Silberschatz A and others Operating system concepts 4th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1994

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