Architecture of database management systems
P Steele
4 hours per week * Second semester * Peninsula * Prerequisites: COT2132, COT4230 or equivalent
This subject deals with the principles underlying the design of database management systems, database front-end and back-end control structures development. The subject involves comparative study of several widespread commercial systems and research prototypes. Topics covered include ANSI and ISO standards for DBMS architecture; differentiation of approaches to DBMS design for mainframes, mini and microcomputers; comparative architecture of most-used commercial and research database management systems; DBMS's performance evaluation and tuning; low-level data management and physical database design; query and transaction optimisation; database administration, DBA tools and facilities; distributed DBMS and database fragmentation techniques; DBMS's internals as software systems; data dictionaries and repositories, their structure implementation.
Written (5000 words): 35% * Examination (2 hours): 50% * Presentation: 15%
Prescribed texts
Date C J An introduction to database systems vol. 1, 5th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1990
Recommended texts
Gorman M Database management systems QED Information Sciences, 1991