Monash University Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Outline of graduate studies

Graduate Diploma in Computer Science

Clayton campus

Course code: 0362

Coordinator: Professor John Crossley


This course is open to applicants with a first degree in any field other than computing, computer science, information science etc. Intending students should note that the entry requirements require some prior knowledge in computer programming and assume applicants will have a knowledge of mathematics equivalent to at least two first-year subjects. Applicants without mathematics may be required to undertake bridging studies, the points of which will not be counted towards the award.

The Graduate Diploma in Computer Science is designed for those with a tertiary qualification in any discipline wishing to gain a first qualification in the computing field. The course is primarily intended for full-time students although it can be taken part-time. The aims of the course are:

1. To provide appropriately trained professionals in the field of computer science

2. To provide a conceptual framework for students to keep pace with developments in this area

3. To provide students with a practical knowledge of computer hardware and software which can be put to immediate use

4. To develop a professional approach to computing and an awareness of social implications

The course is offered both full-time and part-time. The duration of the full-time course is one year. The duration of the part-time course is two years.

Admission requirements

1. A recognised degree or diploma or equivalent

2. A knowledge of computer programming at the introductory level

3. Twelve points of first-year mathematics or equivalent

Fees for Australian residents

In 1995 the course fee is $8000 or $700 per subject.

Course structure

The course consists of forty-eight points of second- and third-year computer science subjects and must include:

1. At least twenty-four points of third-year subjects

2. The following subjects:

* CSC2040 Science of programming

* CSC2050 Software engineering I

* any two of CSC2010 (Computer architecture), CSC2020 (Operating systems) and CSC2030 (Foundations of computing)

* CSC3010 (Project) or CSC3020 (Software engineering project).

It is strongly recommended that all three of CSC2010, CSC2020 and CSC2030 be taken.

For full details of subjects available, consult the entries under `Details of subjects'.

Suggested choice of subjects

Full-time students

* CSC2010 Computer architecture

* CSC2020 Operating systems

* CSC2030 Foundations of computing

* CSC2040 Science of programming

* CSC2050 Software engineering I

* CSC2061 (Digital logic) or CSC2070 (Numerical computing)

* CSC3010 (Project) or CSC3020 (Software engineering project)

and twenty points of any other third-year computer science subjects.

Part-time students

Twenty-four points of second-year subjects during the first year of study and twenty-four points of third-year subjects during the second year of study.

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