Monash University Business & Economics handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Prizes have been divided into two categories: those for the best student in a particular course or year level of a course; and those for the best student in a designated subject.

The following tables summarise the undergraduate and postgraduate prizes awarded to students within the faculty. Information regarding the establishment of new prizes may be obtained from the appropriate departments and schools within the faculty.

Awarded for the best student in the following        Name and value of prize                   
courses and year levels                                                                        
First-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)         Australian Society of Certified           
                                                     Practising Accountants ($500 plus         
                                                     framed certificate and medallion)         
First-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)         Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (book)          
First-year Bachelor of Business                      Frank Jones and Associates ($250)         
(Accounting)/Bachelor of Computing (Information                                                
First-year Bachelor of Business (Banking and         Citibank Australia Ltd ($250)             
First-year Bachelor of Business (International       Keys Trading (International) Ltd ($300)   
First-year Bachelor of Business (Management)         Australian Institute of Management -      
                                                     Victoria (AIM Medal and book voucher      
First-year Bachelor of Business (Marketing)          Sanford Vick Advertising Award ($500)     
First-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)    Australian Society of Certified           
majoring in accounting                               Practising Accountants ($500, medallion   
                                                     and certificate of excellence)            
First, second or third-year Bachelor of Business     Butterworths Book Prizes (six prizes of   
(Multidiscipline)                                    $50 and certificate)                      
First-year Department of Accounting and Finance      Australian Society of Accountants         
accounting subjects                                  ($500, a medallion and a certificate of   
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)        Australian Society of Certified           
                                                     Practising Accountants ($500 plus         
                                                     framed certificate and medallion)         
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)        Prentice-Hall (book)                      
Second-year Bachelor of Business                     Frank Jones and Associates ($250)         
(Accounting)/Bachelor of Computing (Information                                                
Second-year student in Bachelor of Business          Commonwealth Banking Corporation ($400)   
(Banking and Finance)                                                                          
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Business           General Motors-Holden's Automotive Ltd    
Administration )/(Human Resource Management)         ($400)                                    
Second-year student in Bachelor of Business          Victorian Employers' Chamber of           
(International Trade)                                Commerce and Industry ($300)              
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Marketing)         Gillette ($500)                           
Second-year the Bachelor of Business                 Australian Society of Certified           
(Multidiscipline) majoring in accounting             Practising Accountants ($500, medallion   
                                                     and certificate of excellence)            
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)   Coal Corporation of Victoria ($1000       
(accounting/finance stream) who is enrolled          scholarship)                              
Second or third-year Bachelor of Business            Australian Securities Commission ($300    
(Multidiscipline) (marketing stream)                 and a certificate)                        
Second-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)   Gippsland Office Centre Marketing Award   
majoring in marketing                                ($250 and a plaque)                       
Second or third-year Bachelor of Business            Australian Institute of Management        
(Multidiscipline) (organisational change             (Malcolm Moire medal, $250 book voucher   
management stream)                                   and one-year AIM membership)              
Second-year Department of Accounting and Finance     Australian Society of Accountants         
accounting subjects                                  ($500, a medallion and a certificate of   
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)         Australian Society of Certified           
                                                     Practising Accountants ($500, two years   
                                                     membership, framed certificate and        
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Accounting)         Ernst and Young $250                      
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Banking and         Australian Institute of Bankers ($250)    
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Banking and         Bank of Melbourne ($300)                  
Finance) undertaking part-time study                                                           
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Banking and         National Australia Bank ($300)            
Finance) undertaking full-time study                                                           
Third-year Bachelor of Business (International       ANZ Banking Group Ltd ($300)              
Third-year Bachelor of Business (International       ANZ Banking Corporation ($400)            
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Management)         Australian Institute of Management        
                                                     (Victoria) (one-year AIM membership)      
Third-year Bachelor of Business                      H J Heinz Company                         
(Management)/(Business Administration)                                                         
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Marketing)*         Bizcom Pty Ltd ($500)                     
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Marketing)*         Monash Marketing Alumni Association       
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)    Australian Society of Certified           
majoring in accounting                               Practising Accountants ($500,             
                                                     medallion, framed certificate and two     
                                                     years membership of the society)          
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)    Bentley Smith ($200 and certificate)      
accounting studies*                                                                            
Third-year Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)    Australian Human Resources Institute      
(human resource management stream)                   ($250 and medallion)                      
Third-year Department of Accounting and Finance      Australian Society of Accountants         
accounting subjects                                  ($500, two years membership of the        
                                                     society, a medallion and a framed         
Third-year Department of Accounting and Finance      KPMG Peat Marwick ($250)                  
accounting subjects (examination only)                                                         
Bachelor of Business (honours) in marketing*         Syme Department of Marketing ($110 gift)  
Graduate Diploma in Accounting second-year           Dean McVeigh ($500)                       
(Caulfield campus)                                                                             
Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance              Australian Institute of Bankers ($250     
                                                     and certificate)                          
Graduate Diploma of Business (Accounting)            Vic Roads ($300 and certificate)          
Graduate Diploma of Business (Management)            Australian Institute of Management        
                                                     (Framed certificate)                      
Graduate Diploma of Business (Management)            Australian Institute of Management -      
                                                     Gippsland Branch (President's Award,      
                                                     $250, plaque and one year  AIM            
Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management             Brian Hirsh (Trophy)                      
Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management First-year  Dawson Consulting ($350)                  
Graduate Diploma in Manufacturing Management         Apteh Australia Pty Ltd ($1000)           
Graduate Diploma in Marketing                        Hoover Australia ($1000) and gift worth   
Graduate Diploma in Marketing for the minor thesis   George Papasavvas Memorial Award          
                                                     (Presentation tray)                       
Master of Business Administration First-year         Australian Institute of Management (AIM   
                                                     medal, book voucher worth $250 and        
                                                     one-year membership of AIM)               
Master of Business Administration                    Commonwealth Bank of Australia ($750      
                                                     and medallion)                            
Master of Business Administration                    Foster's Brewing Group ($750 and          
Master of Business Administration for research       Norwich Rising Star Research Award        
                                                     ($750 and medal)                          
Master of Business Administration (health/hospital   Medibank Private Prize ($750 and plaque)  
administration stream)                                                                         
Master of Business Administration (Corporate)        Foster's Brewing Group ($750 and          
Master of Business Administration (International     Foster's Brewing Group ($750 and          
Business)                                            medallion)                                
Master of Business Administration (Technology        Foster's Brewing Group ($750 and          
Management)                                          medallion)                                
Any Master of Business Administration program who    Director's list (ten prizes of a plaque)  
has not received a prize                                                                       
Master of Business (Marketing)*                      DDB Needham ($1000)                       

* subject to final approval

Awarded for the best student in the following        Name  and value of prize                  
AAF1020/1030 (Accounting) (examination results       KPMG Peat Marwick ($250)                  
AAF1030 (Accounting) (examination result only)       Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ($300)           
AAF1030 (Accounting) (examination result only)       Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ($300)           
AAF2130 (Management accounting) (examination         Ernst and Young ($200)                    
result only)                                                                                   
AAF2170 (Capital markets and financial               Australian Institute of Bankers ($250     
institutions)                                        and an inscribed certificate)             
AAF3120 (Advanced accounting) (examination result    Coopers and Lybrand Foundation ($400)     
AAF3120 (Advanced accounting) and either AAF3130     Accountancy Placements Pty Ltd ($250)     
(Management accounting) or AAF3140 (Business                                                   
AAF3140 (Business finance)                           Arthur Andersen and Company ($200)        
AAF3160 (Electronic data processing)                 Arthur Andersen and Company ($200)        
AAF3160 (Auditing and systems)                       EDP Auditors Association ($150 and        
                                                     one-year subscription of association)     
AAF3160 (Auditing and systems) (examination          KPMG ($250)                               
results only)                                                                                  
AAF4180 (Securities regulation)                      Prudential-Bache Securities ($250)        
AAF5230 (Issues in financial reporting)              Geoffrey Cohen (Arthur Andersen and Co)   
ACC1110 (Accounting and financial decision making)   Arthur Andersen ($250)                    
ACC1121 (Accounting systems and procedures)          KPMG Peat Marwick ($250)                  
ACC2491 (Company reporting) who is enrolled in       Deloitte Ross Tohmatsu ($200)             
Bachelor of Business (Accounting)/Bachelor of                                                  
Computing (Information Systems)                                                                
ACC2491 (Company reporting)                          KPMG Peat Marwick ($250)                  
ACC2631 (Financial management)                       ICI Australia ($250)                      
ACC2681 (Corporate takeovers and insolvency)         Accounting Alumni ($200)                  
ACC2681 (Corporate takeovers and insolvency)         Insolvency Practitioners' ($250)          
ACC3631 (Auditing)                                   Coopers and Lybrand ($400)                
DEK1200 (Winning the retail customer)*               Target ($350)                             
DEK2500 (Retail management principles)*              Safeway ($350)                            
DEK2221 (Retail Logistics)*                          Coles Supermarkets ($350)                 
DEK3500 (Retail Buying)*                             McEwans ($350)                            
ECM4020 (Econometrics honours) or ECO4040            Australian Bureau of Statistics (annual   
(Economics/econometrics honours)                     subscription to Australian Economic       
ECO3850 (Economics honours)                          Economic Society Victorian Branch ($200)  
FIN1210 (Business Japanese 1)                        BHP Steel ($300)                          
FIN1240 (Business  Chinese 1)                        Australian Wheat Board ($200)             
FIN1300 (Money and capital markets)                  Westpac Banking Corporation ($250)        
FIN1311(Business  Japanese 2)                        BHP Steel ($300)                          
FIN1341 (Business  Chinese 2)                        Australian Wool Corporation ($200)        
FIN1710 (Macroeconomics)                             Syntec Economic Services Pty Ltd ($300)   
FIN2211 (Business Japanese 3)                        BHP Steel ($300)                          
FIN2241 (Business  Chinese 3)                        Containers Packaging Pty Ltd ($250)       
FIN2301 (Money market operations)*                   Butterworths Books ($60)                  
FIN2331 (Monetary theory and policy)                 Commonwealth Banking Corporation ($250)   
FIN2401 (Commercial banking and finance)             National Australia Bank ($300)            
FIN2601 (Banking law)                                Commonwealth Banking Corporation ($250)   
FIN2731 (The international economy)                  Hayman Rogers International ($250)        
FIN2751 (Futures and options markets)                Toronto Dominion Australia Ltd ($400)     
FIN2801 (Lending law)                                Australian Finance Conference ($300)      
FIN3201 (International law)                          White Cleland ($200)                      
FIN3301 (Case studies in international trade)        Export Finance Insurance Corporation      
FIN3331 (International banking and finance)          ANZ Banking Group Ltd ($250)              
FIN3651 (Treasury management)                        ANZ Banking Group Ltd ($500)              
FIN3841 (Lending decisions)                          Ferrier Hodgson and Company ($500)        
FIN3931 (Taxation law)                               Westpac Banking Corporation ($300)        
FIN6140 (Banking lending)                            Ferrier Hodgson and Company ($500)        
FIN6160 (International banking and finance)          Bank of New Zealand ($300)                
FIN6260 (Australian capital markets)                 Australian Finance Conference ($350)      
GBU1201 (Introduction to business law) enrolled in   Slater and Gordon (Book prize to value    
the Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)           $100)                                     
GBU2003 (Accounting for management information)      Commonwealth Bank ($250 and certificate)  
enrolled in Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)                                             
GBU2005 (Financial accounting) enrolled in           Australian Securities Commission ($300    
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)               and a certificate)                        
GBU2203 (Law of business organisations) enrolled     Australian Securities Commission ($300    
in Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)            and a plaque)                             
GBU2204 (Taxation law and practice) enrolled in      Duesburys ($100 and certificate)          
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline) degree                                                  
GBU2204 (Taxation law and practice) enrolled in      Association of Taxation and Management    
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)*              Accountants ($250, leather bound          
                                                     certificate and one-year ATMA             
                                                     membership )                              
GBU2404 (Market research methods) enrolled in        Stanborough Wemyss and Associates (cash   
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)               prize)                                    
GBU2405 (Promotion management) enrolled in           Gippsland Petrol Group Jason Guzzardi     
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)               Memorial Award ($200 plus a plaque by     
                                                     Guzzardi Jackson Group)                   
GBU3007 (Auditing) enrolled in Bachelor of           Duesburys ($100 and certificate)          
Business (Multidiscipline)                                                                     
GBU3010 (Business finance) enrolled in the           National Australia Bank (Morwell          
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)               Branch) ($250, gift and certificate)      
GBU3110 (Financial institutions management)          Australian Institute of Bankers ($250     
enrolled in the Bachelor of Business                 and certificate)                          
GBU3204 (Administrative law) enrolled in Bachelor    Slater and Gordon (Book prize to value    
of Business (Multidiscipline)                        $100)                                     
GBU3207 (Advanced taxation) enrolled in Bachelor     Australian Taxation Office ($150 and      
of Business (Multidiscipline)                        certificate)                              
GBU3405 (Marketing strategy) enrolled in Bachelor    Latrobe Regional Commission ($500 and a   
of Business (Multidiscipline)                        plaque)                                   
GBU3409 (Export management) enrolled in Bachelor     Exportise ($100 and a plaque)             
of Business (Multidiscipline)                                                                  
GBU8025 (Taxation law and practice) enrolled in      Association of Taxation and Management    
Graduate Diploma of Business (Accounting)*           Accountants ($250, leather bound          
                                                     certificate and one-year ATMA             
GCO1851 (Computers in business) enrolled in          Duesburys ($100 and certificate)          
Bachelor of Business (Multidiscipline)                                                         
MBA6350 (Strategic management)                       KPMG Peat Marwick ($250)                  
MGC1030 (Organisational behaviour) and MGC2240       Shell Company of Australia Ltd ($100)     
(Organisation and management)                                                                  
MGC2310 (Introduction to public management)          Royal Australian Institute of Public      
(examination results only)                           Administration ($200)                     
MGM1300 (Introduction to management)                 Prentice-Hall of Australia ($250 book     
MGM1500 (Operations and manufacturing management)    Monash Manufacturing Roundtable ($300)    
MGM1510 (Quality management)                         Containers Packaging ($300)               
MGM2681 (International business management)          Dulux Australia ($250)                    
MGM2691 (Management of organisational performance)   Sheryl Saltzman (Two prizes of $200       
MGM2801 (Advanced manufacturing technology)          Varian Australia ($500)                   
MGM2821 (HRM information systems)                    Co-Cam Computer Services Pty Ltd ($300)   
MGM2830 (Safety and environmental issues)            Dulux Australia ($400)                    
MGM2880 (Production planning and control)            PBR Automotive Pty Ltd ($400)             
MGM3121 (Strategic management for international      Ernst and Young ($250)                    
MGM3361 (Performance management)                     Mercedes-Benz (Australia) Pty Ltd ($300)  
MGM3511 (Strategic management accounting)            Hooker Cockram ($250)                     
MGM3511 (Strategic management accounting)            Pitcher Partners ($250)                   
MGM3901 (Entrepreneurship and small business         Applied Chemicals Pty Ltd ($300)          
MKT1120 (Marketing theory and practice)              Unifoods ($350)                           
MKT1131 (Statistics for marketing)*                  Oz Info ($500)                            
MKT1230 (Introduction to agribusiness)*              National Australia Bank ($500)            
MKT2111 (buyer behaviour)*                           Brand New Marketing Communications        
MKT2121 (Marketing research)                         The John Cowl Memorial Prize ($500 and    
MKT2121 (Marketing research - assignment)*           Ansett Holidays Australia ($5,000)        
MKT2121 (Marketing research - case study)*           Plumrose Australia ($200)                 
MKT2131 (Marketing support systems)                  Lotus ($750)                              
MKT2501 (Retail management principles)               Sussan Corporation ($350)                 
MKT2761 (Agribusiness marketing management)*         Monsato Australia ($500)                  
MKT3121 (Marketing planning and implementation)      Dulux Australia ($300 and trophy)         
MKT3131 (Strategic marketing)                        Coles Supermarkets ($350)                 
MKT3201 (Business marketing)*                        Unique Micro Designs ($500)               
MKT3301 (Services marketing)                         Stanborough-Wernyss and Associates        
                                                     Award (silver salver worth $500)          
MKT3461 (Marketing communications)                   AANA ($350)                               
MKT3471 (Sales management and negotiation)*          SEC ($500)                                
MKT3481 (Logistics and channel management)           Online Distribution Services ($300)       
MKT3501 (Retail buying and merchandising)            Myer Grace Bros ($350)                    
MKT3531 (International marketing)                    Judith Carruthers and Associates ($350)   
MKT3621 (Advertising management)                     Grey Advertising ($500)                   
MKT3751 (Advanced marketing research: qualitative    Sutherland Smith ($500)                   
MKT3761 (International agribusiness)*                Bunge Australia ($500)                    
MKT6120 (Marketing research and forecasting)*        AC Nielson ($350)                         
MKT6261 (Marketing communication strategies)*        Promotif ($500)                           
MKT6160 (Marketing theory and practice)*             Syme Department of Marketing              
                                                     (presentation tray)                       
MKT6331 (Advanced marketing research analysis)       Frank Small and Associates ($350)         
MKT6361 (Marketing support systems)*                 Lotus Development Pty Ltd ($750)          
MKT6381 (Business marketing)Scholarships             ICI Australia ($1000)                     

* subject to final approval

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