Part-time students are expected to proceed at half the rate of full-time students and are expected to complete their subjects for the degree in the same order as full-time students, that is by passing first-year subjects before enrolling for second-year subjects.
Many students on the Caulfield and Gippsland campuses undertake part-time studies. The faculty does not provide evening lectures for undergraduate courses at Clayton and Peninsula.
Lectures are run from 8 am to 10 pm. Part-time students are given priority access to places in evening lectures and tutorials.
It is recommended that part-time students endeavour to attend the university for two half-days a week as most of the lectures and tutorials may be taken during these two half-days; this allows students to use their evenings for study and library use. In addition, lectures and tutorials are often available from 4.15 pm for the first-year subjects and some of the second and third-year subjects. Many part-time students also find that 9 and 10 am lectures are convenient. It is usually possible to arrange tutorials at convenient times including immediately before or after the lectures. It should be noted that the part-time program is based on students obtaining time off from their employment.
In their first-year, Bachelor of Economics part-time students must enrol for the two compulsory first-year sequences of subjects in economics and business and economic statistics. Students undertaking the Bachelor of Commerce should take two out of the three compulsory first-year subject sequences of economics, business and economic statistics and accounting.