The MBA (Technology Management) is specifically concerned with the effective management of technology. It combines the generalist core of the MBA with the opportunity to specialise in technology management subjects in the second half of the program. The program focuses on generic technology management issues in the compulsory technology management subjects, while also allowing students the flexibility to design the rest of the program around their own specific interests. For instance, students can choose subjects which emphasise different technologies (eg information technology, manufacturing technology). In addition, technology management subjects can be combined with other specialised MBA subjects to emphasise particular industry sectors (eg the service sector), or particular functional areas (eg marketing). The program is also flexible in terms of allowing various combinations of coursework and project work.
The general purpose of the program is to provide those with a science and technology background the opportunity to obtain the essentials of management education and to apply knowledge, attitude and skill specifically to the management of technology and technology-based organisations.
Course objectives
On completion of the course students should:
* have the necessary analytical and computing skills concerning both the foundation as well as the functional areas of management;
* have developed an understanding of the social, economic and political environment of business;
* have acquired a strategic outlook necessary for organisational growth and survival;
* have developed an expertise particularly relevant to the management of technologically sophisticated organisations;
* have developed interpersonal, leadership and decision-making skills conducive to fostering a culture of innovation and change.
Entrance requirements
The selection criteria for local and international applicants are the same as for the general MBA program. While preference will be given to applicants with a technical background, other students wishing to specialise in this area will be considered on their merits.
Course structure
Part one
1 Foundation subjects
All students must take one foundation subject from each of the four areas of behavioural science, quantitative analysis,microeconomics and foundations of management. Only one subject may be taken in each area - except MBA5300 (Health economics) which may also be taken as an elective subject.
Behavioural science
* MBA5210 Organisational behaviour
Quantitative analysis
* MBA5550 Quantitative analysis
* MBA5300 Health economics
* MBA5880 Microeconomics for managers
* MBA5890 Microeconomics for policy analysis
Foundations of management
* MBA5200 Foundations of management
2 Functional subjects
Three of the following functional subjects:
* MBA5180 Accounting
* MBA5190 Corporate finance
* MBA5220 Human resource management
* MBA5250 Employee relations
* MBA5270 Public management
* MBA5310 Marketing
* MBA5470 General operations management
* MBA5560 Management information systems
Either MBA5180 (Accounting) or MBA5190 (Corporate finance) must be included as one of the four functional subjects.
3 Environment subjects
One of the following three environment subjects:
* MBA5330 Business and government
* MBA5350 International business
* MBA5870 Macroeconomics
4 Integrative subject
One integrative subject from the following:
* MBA6350 Strategic management
* MBA6360 Strategic management in the public sector
Part two
5 Technology management subjects
Seven technology management subjects are to be taken.
Three compulsory technology management subjects covering generic and functional aspects of technology management comprising
* MBA6429 Technology and organisational change
* MBA6490 Management of research and innovation
* and one of the following technology and strategy subjects:
* MBA6420 Management of information technology
* MBA6500 Telecommunications and corporate management
* MBA6530 Manufacturing management and strategy
Four elective technology management subjects from the list below, from additional technology and strategy subjects, or from other MBA electives if appropriate. Up to two subjects may be chosen from relevant graduate units in the faculties of Engineering and Science, or other faculties, if appropriate, with permission. Research projects of two or four-subject weighting may be substituted for equivalent loads. New electives are under consideration, including technology and the law, management of quality and management of high-growth firms.
* MBA6520 Information industries: economic and social perspectives
* MBA6550 Technology and government
* MBA6559 Quality control
* MBA6580 Project management
* MBA6590 Special topics in technology management
* MBA6380 Business-to-business marketing
Two years full-time, four years part-time.
Assessment requirements follow those of the general MBA.