Monash University Business & Economics handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Strategic planning and management

Mr Tim Haslett

3 hours per week * Caulfield, Distance, In-house

Assessment A capstone subject which views the organisation from the general manager's position as he/she manages change and attempts to focus the members' energies and the firm's resources to achieve long-run success. It requires an integration of the various functional skills such as finance and marketing to enable an analysis of the environment to be undertaken. This includes the competitive and comparative position of the firm, markets, government policies, social issues, emerging trends and key factors which are imperative for success. Finally the determination whether a firm's strategy is appropriate and supported by structure, controls and rewards.

Assessment Seven brief written case reports: 35% * Analysis of management simulation: 20% * Research report: 35% * Group presentation: 10%

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