Employee relations
Ms Leah Kaye
6 points * One 1-hour lecture per week and one 2-hour tutorial * First,second semester * Caulfield,Peninsula * Prerequisite: completion of twelve undergraduate subjects
Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to: describe the main institutional features and key developments in the Australian industrial relations system; extend their knowledge of employee relations via the undirected study of books and articles dealing with theory policy and contemporary issues in this area; draw on their knowledge to critically evaluate proposals to change the Australian system of industrial relations; appreciate the impact of policy programs on workplace employee relations; build on previous knowledge in areas of change and human resource management.
Synopsis Industrial relations systems theory; the environment: the external influences; the role of the parties in an industrial relations system - employees, trade unions, employers, employer associations, government and tribunals; Industrial conflict and change; processes of conflict resolution: negotiations/mediations, conciliation and arbitration, collective bargaining and enterprise bargaining; outcomes: awards, certified agreements, enterprise flexibility agreements; current issues with special reference to Australia: labour market reforms, decentralisation/deregulation of the industrial relations system.
Assessment Case study: 1500 words * Portfolio (2000 words): 50% * One 3-hour examination: 50%