Introduction to business law
Mr Andrew Coleman
6 points * One 2-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week * Distance approximately 12 hours per week * Second semester * Gippsland
Objectives This subject provides the basis necessary for more advanced studies in law. Students will develop an understanding of the precepts of legal reasoning, the fundamentals of the Australian legal system and structure of the Australian Constitution. The subject will provide a grounding in the law of negligence with particular emphasis on liability for negligent mis-statement. The students will be able to read and apply statute and case law and recognise the parameters within which business and professional practice should be conducted.
Synopsis Reception of law into Australia, statutory interpretation, equity, common law and precedent. Introduction to the constitution: sections 51 and 109. introduction to torts. Negligence and negligent misstatement. Introduction to contract. Remedies and orders.
Assessment Written (3000 words): 30% * Examination (3 hours): 70%
Prescribed texts
Latimer P Australian business law latest edition, CCH
Morris G and others Laying down the law 3rd ed, Butterworths, 1992
Crosling G and Murphy H How to study business law Butterworths, 1994
or Krever R: Mastering law studies and law examination techniques Butterworths