Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Modern Greek

Modern Greek is taught within the Department of Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies by the Modern Greek section. The section offers a major and minor sequence of subjects for students who have passed VCE Modern Greek or whose knowledge of Greek is at about this level. These involve the study of the language in all years and, in first year, the study of modern Greek culture, history and society using original and authentic sources.

For students who do not possess a knowledge of Modern Greek but are interested in modern Greece, a number of subjects are available in Greek studies without a language prerequisite. These are GKS2310 (Twentieth century Greek literature (in translation)); GKS2710 (Greek-Australian writing) and GKS3330 (Reading the past: European cinema, history and national identity), which includes an examination of Greek cinema, history and national identity.

Minor sequence

A minor sequence in Modern Greek comprises MGR1070 (Modern Greek language and culture A) and MGR1080 (Modern Greek language and culture B) followed by MGR2210 (Modern Greek language IIA), MGR2220 (Modern Greek language IIB) and MGR2310 (Twentieth century Greek literature).

Students who complete a minor sequence in Modern Greek will develop, through regular language work over a period of two years, a mastery of more formal levels of Greek and will become sensitive to the ways in which context influences language usage. They will also develop an understanding of the way in which the Greek language has changed over the last two centuries as a result of a concerted attempt to cleanse the language of `vulgar' elements, and will consequently be better equipped to deal with the multiplicity of linguistic forms that exists in contemporary Greek.

Apart from the study of the language, students will study key issues in modern Greek history and culture (eg the Great Idea, the Asia Minor Catastrophe, the Cyprus Problem, and the question of Greek national identity) and a selection of twentieth-century literary texts, which have been chosen not just for their quality but also for the insights they provide into the modern Greek experience.

Major sequence

A major sequence in Modern Greek comprises the above minor sequence plus either third-year level subjects to the value of twenty-four points, or third-year level subjects to the value of sixteen points and the second-year-level subject MGR2710 (Greek-Australian writing).

The additional subjects available to students wishing to major in Modern Greek build on the minor sequence by offering advanced language work in the areas of Katharevousa and translation, and further literary studies that deepen students' knowledge of the Greek past, both linguistic and cultural, from late Byzantium to the nineteenth century. In addition the study of contemporary Greek and other southern European films dealing with the Second World War and its aftermath is offered, giving students the opportunity to see the recent Greek past in the context of Europe generally and southern Europe in particular. Finally, the course on Greek-Australian Writing is invaluable for the understanding it gives students of their own particular cultural space.

Single and combined honours

Students with a major sequence in Modern Greek and appropriate grades (see the BA regulations in this handbook) may proceed to single honours in Modern Greek or combined honours in Modern Greek and another discipline. Interested students should consult with the head of the Modern Greek section, Pavlos Andronikos. At postgraduate level an MA by thesis or a PhD in Modern Greek is available.

First-year level

* MGR1070 Modern Greek language and culture A

* MGR1080 Modern Greek language and culture B

Second-year level

* MGR2210 Modern Greek language IIA

* MGR2220 Modern Greek language IIB

* MGR2310 Twentieth century Greek literature

* MGR2710 Greek-Australian writing

Third-year level

* MGR3230 Modern Greek language: Katharevousa

* MGR3240 Modern Greek language: translations

* MGR3250 Language study abroad program

* MGR3310 Twentieth century Greek literature

* MGR3330 Reading the past: European cinema, history, and national identity

* MGR3350 Nineteenth century Greek literature

* MGR3470 Cretan renaissance literature

* MGR3490 Medieval Greek

* MGR3550 Second language acquisition and attrition

* MGR3710 Greek-Australian writing

* MGR3990 Language study abroad program

Fourth-year level

Honours in Modern Greek

Students wishing to do honours in Modern Greek must have completed a major sequence in Modern Greek which includes either MGR3230 (Modern Greek language: Katharevousa) or MGR3240 (Modern Greek language: translation).

Single Honours in Modern Greek consists of a selection of fourth-year subjects to the value of forty-eight points. The selection must include MGR4380 (Dissertation), and one language subject (MGR4230, MGR4240, MGR4340, MGR4360, or MGR4490).

Students wishing to do combined honours in Modern Greek and another discipline should, in consultation with the head of the Modern Greek section, enrol for a selection of fourth-year subjects to the value of twenty-four points.

* MGR4230 Modern Greek language: Katharevousa

* MGR4240 Modern Greek language: translation

* MGR4330 Reading the past: European cinema, history and national identity

* MGR4340 Language study abroad program

* MGR4350 Nineteenth century Greek literature

* MGR4360 Ancient Greek

* MGR4380 Dissertation

* MGR4470 Cretan renaissance literature

* MGR4490 Medieval Greek

* MGR4990 Language study abroad program


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