Monash University Arts undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

European studies

The Bachelor of Arts (European Studies) degree

All students in the faculty enrol initially in the general BA. Having satisfactorily completed first year, students may choose to enter a specialised degree program. The necessary prerequisites for entry to the specialised degree BA(EurSt) are a first-year sequence in a European language and the first-year sequence in European studies.

The structure of the specialised BA in European studies at pass level is a double major: one major in a European language and the other a three-year sequence in European studies. The language major can be chosen from the following languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish, Modern Greek, Russian, Slavic. The European studies major sequence is given below. Students therefore take a minimum of fifty-two points over three years in each of their major sequences. The remaining forty points must include at least twenty-four points of first-year level work (including at least one other first-year sequence) chosen from ancient history, anthropology and sociology, classical civilisation, comparative literature and cultural studies, economic history, economics, English, French, geography and environmental science, German, history, Italian, Latin, linguistics, Modern Greek, music, philosophy, politics, Russian, Russian studies, Spanish, Ukrainian and visual arts. It is strongly recommended that students consider taking a second European language and/or available business language subjects. Students may also take an honours year in this program.

The European studies major sequence consists of a first-year sequence (twelve points), sixteen points at second-year level (EUR2080 and EUR2120), sixteen points at third-year level and a further eight points at second or third-year level.

First year

* EUR1010 Contemporary Europe: origins (6 points)

* EUR1020 Contemporary Europe: East and West (6 points)

Second year

Core subjects

* EUR2080 Europe today: problems of integration (8 points)

* EUR2120 The new Europe: cities and regions (8 points)

Recommended accompanying subjects

* EUR2100 European economic history since 1945 (8 points)

* EUR2130 Nations seeking statehood (8 points)

* EUR2340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict (8 points)

* ECO2810 Comparative economic systems (8 points)

* HSY2090 Britain in the age of revolution (8 points)

* HSY2100 The Victorian age: Britain in the era of European hegemony (8 points)

* HSY2520 Germany 1815-1918: politics, ideas and society (8 points)

* HSY2540 Russian history (8 points)

* HSY2610 European thought (8 points)

* HSY2620 European thought (8 points)

* LIN2350 Sociolinguistics (8 points)

* LIN2470 Linguistics for business (8 points)

* LIN2530 Languages in contact (8 points)

* LIN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition (8 points)

* PLT2140 Progress and despair: modern political ideologies and theories (8 points)

* PLT2770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political ideas (8 points)

* PLT2960 Seeking a new world order: the United States and international relations (8 points)

* SLA2190 Russian and East European modernism (8 points)

Third year

Core subjects

* EUR3100 European economic history since 1945 (8 points)

* EUR3130 Nations seeking statehood (8 points)

* EUR3240 The impossible dream of European unity (8 points)

* EUR3320 Paris, Berlin, Vienna: the city and modernity, 1870-1918 (8 points)

* EUR3340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict (8 points)

* EUR3430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War (8 points)

* EUR3520 Reading the past: European cinema, history and national identity (8 points)

* EUR3620 Contemporary intellectuals and the idea of Europe (8 points)

* EUR3720 State, markets and monopoly in contemporary western Europe (8 points)

Recommended subjects

* ECO3813 Comparative economic systems (8 points)

* HSY3520 Germany 1815-1918: politics, ideas and society (8 points)

* HSY3540 Russian history (8 points)

* HSY3610 European thought (8 points)

* HSY3620 European thought (8 points)

* HSY3830 The making of modern Paris (8 points)

* LIN3350 Sociolinguistics (8 points)

* LIN3470 Linguistics for business (8 points)

* LIN3530 Languages in contact (8 points)

* LIN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition (8 points)

* PLT3450 Revolution, the state and the individual (8 points)

* PLT3770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political ideas (8 points)

* PLT3950 International ethics in a divided world (8 points)

* SLA3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century (8 or 12 points)

* SLA3910 The novel in Eastern Europe (8 or 12 points)

Modern European studies

The aim of the major in modern European studies is to introduce students to the basic sociopolitical facts, economic practices and cultural characteristics of modern Europe. Students completing the major will have a sound general grasp of modern European history, culture, and political organisation, a specialisation in one country, and competence in at least one major European language.

Practical language training is integral to the course: all students intending to major in modern European studies are strongly advised to take a first year sequence in a European language; the corequisite for a major in Modern European Studies is at least a minor in a European language. Specialist language courses are also available, including business French and business German.

Students are encouraged to seek advice on their selection of courses and may make an appointment with one of the following: Dr David Garrioch (History); Mr Alun Kenwood (Romance Languages); Professor Alastair Davidson (Politics); Professor Brian Nelson (Romance Languages); Dr Marko Pavlyshyn (Slavic Studies); Dr Geoff Spenceley (Economic History); Associate Professor Walter Veit (German Studies).

First year

A first-year sequence in modern European studies consists of EUR1010 followed by EUR1020.

Minor sequence

A minor sequence consists of EUR1010 and EUR1020 followed by EUR2080 and EUR2120.

Major sequence

A major sequence consists of a minor sequence followed by at least two third-year core subjects, plus an additional subject at second or third-year level.

First-year level

* EUR1010 Contemporary Europe: origins

* EUR1020 Contemporary Europe: East and West

Second-year level

* EUR2080 Europe today: problems of integration

* EUR2120 The new Europe: cities and regions

A list of recommended subjects at second-year level is given below. Full details are available in the relevant department/centre entries.

* EUR2100 European economic history since 1945

* EUR2130 Nations seeking statehood

* EUR2340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict

* ECO2810 Comparative economic systems

* HSY2090 Britain in the age of revolution

* HSY2100 The Victorian age: Britain in the era of European hegemony

* HSY2520 Germany 1815-1918: politics, ideas and society

* HSY2540 Russian history

* HSY2610 European thought

* HSY2620 European thought

* LIN2350 Sociolinguistics

* LIN2470 Linguistics for business

* LIN2530 Languages in contact

* LIN2550 Second language acquisition and attrition

* PLT2140 Progress and despair: modern political ideologies and theories

* PLT2770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political ideas

* PLT2960 Seeking a new world order: the United States and international relations

* SLA2530 Modernism

Third-year level

Core courses

At least two of the following:

* EUR3100 European economic history since 1945

* EUR3130 Nations seeking statehood

* EUR3240 The impossible dream of European unity

* EUR3320 Paris, Berlin, Vienna: the city and modernity, 1870-1918

* EUR3340 Russia since 1985: issues and institutions in conflict

* EUR3430 European cultural history: the Spanish Civil War

* EUR3520 Reading the past: European cinema, history and national identity

* EUR3620 Contemporary intellectuals and the idea of Europe

* EUR3720 State, markets and monopoly in contemporary western Europe

A list of recommended subjects at third-year level is given below. Full details are available in relevant department/centre entries.

* ECO3813 Comparative economic systems

* HSY3520 Germany 1815-1918: politics, ideas and society

* HSY3540 Russian history: the rise and fall of Soviet power

* HSY3610 European thought I: Middle Ages to the Renaissance

* HSY3620 European thought II: Renaissance to the scientific revolution

* HSY3830 The making of modern Paris

* LIN3350 Sociolinguistics

* LIN3470 Linguistics for business

* LIN3530 Languages in contact

* LIN3550 Second language acquisition and attrition

* PLT3450 Revolution, the state and the individual

* PLT3770 Culture, politics and vision: aspects of European political ideas

* PLT3950 International ethics in a divided world

* SLA3810 Comparative drama of the twentieth century

* SLA3910 The novel in Eastern Europe

Fourth-year honours

* EUR4000 Research project

* EUR4240 The impossible dream of European unity

* EUR4320 Paris, Berlin, Vienna: the city and modernity 1870-1918

* EUR4430 European cultural history: the Spanish civil war

* EUR4520 Reading the past: European cinema, history and national identity

* EUR4620 Contemporary intellectuals and the idea of Europe

* EUR4720 State, markets and monopoly in contemporary western Europe


The honours course consists of EUR4000 plus any further combination of fourth-year level subjects in European studies with a combined value of thirty-six points.

Combined honours may be taken in European studies and another discipline provided that all honours requirements have been met in both disciplines and subject to the approval of the heads of both departments/centres. Mid-ear entry is offered by this centre.

Graduate studies

For postgraduate courses offered by the centre, please refer to the Arts graduate handbook for 1995.

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