Monash University Arts undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Peninsula campus

Major sequence in English

The structure of the major sequence in English is as follows:

First year

* ENH1012 Introduction to English literature

* ENH1020 Nineteenth century literature

Later years

Five subjects selected from those listed below:

* ENH2532/3532 Contemporary English literature

* ENH2950/3951 Literature and society

* ENH2951/3951 Renaissance to Regency

* ENH2960/3960 Twentieth century literature

* ENH2970/3970 Australian literature

* ENH2971/3971 American literature

* ENH2980/3980 Introduction to fiction writing

* ENH2981/3981 Advanced fiction writing

* ENH2992/3992 Children's literature: a comparative study

* ENH2993/3993 Formative influences: myths, legends and fairytales in modern children's fantasy

Minor sequence

The minor sequence in English consists of the first year (as above) followed by two of the later-year subjects listed above.

Mutually exclusive subjects

Students are not permitted to take both subjects listed in the following pairs of codes:

* LIT210 and ENH2960/3960 Twentieth century literature

* LIT220 and ENH2970/3970 Australian literature

* LIT221 and ENH2971/3971 American literature

* LIT260 and ENH2980/3980 Introduction to fiction writing

* LIT261 and ENH2981/3981 Advanced fiction writing

* LIT270 and ENH2990/3990 Formative influences: myths, legends and fairytales in modern children's fantasy

* LIT271 and ENH2991/3991 Children's literature: a comparative study

* LIT350 and ENH2950/3950 Literature and society

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