Monash University Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Classical civilisation

Within a classical civilisation major, students are offered a range of subject options on the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Subjects relating to the literature, philosophy, art, history and mythology of these cultures provide a survey of key works, styles and ideas of the classical world that have become central to the evolution of European/Western culture. Accordingly, subjects in classical civilisation are designed to tie in with, and work excellently in association with, a wide field of other studies (European literatures, philosophy, anthropology, sociology, visual arts, cultural studies, gender/women's studies) which have been affected by the classical tradition.

First-year sequence

A first-year sequence comprises any two of CCV1010, CCV1012, CCV1020, CCV1030, CCV1040, CCV1050.

Minor sequence

A minor sequence comprises a first-year sequence followed by second-year level subjects to the value of sixteen points.

Major sequence

A major sequence comprises a minor sequence followed by third-level subjects to the value of sixteen points plus eight points worth of work chosen from either second or third-year subjects.

In either of the minor or major sequences subjects at the appropriate level from among those offered in Ancient Greek, ancient history, and Latin may be substituted for second and third-year level classical civilisation subjects to the value of eight points in each of second and third year. Additionally, PHL2130, PHL3130, PHL3490 and any second or third-year level comparative literature and cultural studies subject may also be substituted for classical civilisation subjects to the value eight points in each of second and third year. Students who have completed a major sequence at the appropriate standard are entitled to proceed to the fourth-year honours course. Combined honours courses in classical civilisation and other courses offered in the faculty are also available. Interested students should consult the course coordinator. Several of the classical civilisation subjects may be taken as part of the Greek studies curriculum (see Greek studies entry).

Graduate studies

The department can provide or contribute to supervision in many areas relating to the classical world. Interested students should consult with the classical civilisation coordinator.

First-year level

Coordinator: A S McDevitt

* CCV1010 Introduction to Greek literature

* CCV1012 Rome and its literature: the great masters

* CCV1020 Pioneers of Mediterranean archaeology

* CCV1030 The age of Athens

* CCV1040 Rome: from Etruscan satellite to world state

* CCV1050 Myth into culture I

Second-year level

Coordinator: G J Fitzgerald

* CCV2050 Myth into culture II

* CCV2110 Epic

* CCV2130 Tragedy

* CCV2150 Ancient art I

* CCV2210 Historiography

* CCV2230 Drama

* CCV2250 Atoms and the solar system: two studies in ancient Greek science

* CCV2410 Women in Roman society

* CCV2510 Wit and humour in literature, film and cartoon

* CCV2610 Roman life and literature

* CCV2630 Late fifth century Athenian literature and society

* CCV2650 Fourth century Athens

* CCV2670 Gender representation in classical literature

* CCV2770 Ancient Greek reading course

* CCV2790 Ancient Greek reading course

* CCV2810 Greek language and literature A

* CCV2830 Latin language and literature A

* CCV2850 Greek language and literature B

* CCV2870 Latin language and literature B

Third-year level

Coordinator: G J Fitzgerald

* CCV3110 Epic

* CCV3130 Tragedy

* CCV3150 Ancient art I

* CCV3210 Historiography

* CCV3230 Drama

* CCV3250 Atoms and the solar system: two studies in ancient Greek science

* CCV3410 Women in Roman society

* CCV3510 Wit and humour in literature, film and cartoon

* CCV3610 Roman life and literature

* CCV3630 Late fifth century Athenian literature and society

* CCV3650 Fourth century Athens

* CCV3670 Gender representation in classical literature

* CCV3690 From Greek culture to international culture. The Hellenistic era

* CCV3710 Ancient Egyptian religion

* CCV3730 Orality and literacy

* CCV3770 Ancient Greek reading course

* CCV3790 Ancient Greek reading course

* CCV3810 Greek language and literature A

* CCV3830 Latin language and literature A

* CCV3850 Greek language and literature B

* CCV3870 Latin language and literature B

Other approved subjects: See above.

Fourth-year (honours) level

Coordinator: G J Fitzgerald

* CCV4720 Dissertation

* CCV4740 Methodology

* CCV4760 Special subject A

* CCV4780 Special subject B

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