Monash University Arts Undergraduate Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Ancient history

Area coordinators: S Bastomsky

Students taking a major sequence in ancient history are offered a range of courses dealing with the history of ancient Greece and Rome. While some units focus on political history, others deal with social relations and culture, as classical civilisation and archaeology subjects may also be studied as part of an ancient history sequence. Students encounter and exploit a wide range of source material including literary and non-literary texts, works of art and a variety of archaeological artefacts. At the end of their studies, students should have a clear idea of the importance of the ancient Mediterranean area and its relevance to today's world.

First-year, minor and major sequences

In what follows the department has endeavoured to spell out a large variety of combinations of units as briefly and clearly as possible. For the further assistance of students it has compiled a brochure which may be obtained on request at the departmental office. Students seeking advice on any matter connected with the subject are directed to the area coordinator for ancient history.

A first-year sequence in ancient history comprises any two units out of ARY1020, AHY1030, AHY1040 and AHY1050.

A minor sequence comprises either a first-year sequence in ancient history, or any first-year ancient history unit plus any first-year HSY unit, followed by second-year level subjects to the value of sixteen points.

A major sequence comprises a minor sequence followed by third-year level subjects to the value of sixteen points, plus eight points of work chosen from either second or third-year level units.

Subjects available for inclusion in minor and/or major sequences are as follows:

A. All mainstream ancient history units offered by the department at second and third-year level. These are:

* AHY2210/3210 From Republic to Empire

* AHY2230/3230 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War

* AHY2240/3240 Historiography

* AHY2410/3410 Women in Roman society

* AHY2510/3510 From Tiberius to Domitian

* AHY2530/3530 The rise of Macedon

* AHY2590/3590 Alexandria-Jerusalem-Rome: connections and conflicts

* AHY2630/3630 Late fifth century Athenian society and literature

* AHY2710/3710 Greek epigraphy

* AHY3730 Orality and literacy

B. The following archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean courses offered by the department at second and third-year level.

* ARY2570/3570 Minoans and Myceneans

* ARY2760/3760 Dating in archaeology

* ARY2970/3970 The archaeology and history of Ancient Egypt: 6000-1550BC

* ARY2990/3990 The archaeology and history of Ancient Egypt: 1550-30BC

* ARY3550 Coins, the archaeologist and the ancient historian

* ARY3930 Imperial Egypt and the Mediterranean world

* ARY3950 Graeco-Roman Egypt

C. The following classical civilisation courses offered by the department at second and third-year level:

* CCV2610/3610 Roman life and literature

* CCV2650/3650 Fourth century Athens

D. Language units. Available for students of ancient history who have no prior knowledge of an ancient language are several introductory linguistic units. Those who wish to begin Ancient Greek have a choice between AHY2770/3770 and AHY2810/3810 (Greek option). AHY2770/3770 leads into and is a prerequisite for AHY2790/3790. AHY2810/3810 (Greek option) leads into and is a prerequisite for AHY2830/3830 (Greek option). Students who wish to begin Latin may take AHY2810/3810 (Latin option), which leads into and is a prerequisite for AHY2830/3830 (Latin option). Students who wish to begin Ancient Egyptian may take ARY2810/3810. AHY2770, AHY2790, AHY2810 (either option) and ARY2810 may be included in a minor sequence. All the language units are eligible for inclusion in a major sequence, provided that the sequence contains no more than two out of AHY2810/3810, AHY2830/3830 and ARY2810/3810. AHY2810/3810 and AHY2830/3830 can be taken either in consecutive years or together in third year.

E. The following subject offered by the Department of History:

* HSY3630 Renaissance Florence

Students who contemplate including HSY1010, HSY1020, or the third-year unit listed in group E above should note the department's requirement that at least sixteen points of a minor sequence and at least thirty-six points of a major sequence must be acquired within the department itself.


For details of the fourth-year honours course, see below. Combined honours courses in ancient history and either Ancient Greek, Latin or history are available and it is possible to arrange other combinations. Interested students should in the first instance consult the ancient history honours coordinators.

Ancient history units within Greek studies

Several ancient history units may be taken as part of a Greek studies sequence. Please consult the entry for Greek studies.

First-year level

Coordinator: S J Bastomsky

* ARY1020 Pioneers of Mediterranean archaeology

* AHY1030 The age of Athens

* AHY1040 Rome: from Etruscan satellite to world state

* AHY1050 Myth into culture I

Second-year level

Coordinators: P J Bicknell and J R Ellis

For other units offered inside and outside the Department of Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies which may be taken in a second-year ancient history course, see the overview at the head of this entry.

Prerequisite for second year ancient history subjects with the exception of AHY2710, AHY2790, and AHY2830: Normally a first year sequence in ancient history, classical civilisation or history.

Additional prerequisite for AHY2710: a first year sequence in Ancient Greek.

Additional prerequisite for AHY2790: AHY2770

Additional prerequisite for AHY2830: AHY2810 or AGR1010 or LAT1010.

* AHY2210 From Republic to Empire

* AHY2230 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War

* AHY2240 Historiography

* AHY2410 Women in Roman society

* AHY2510 From Tiberius to Domitian

* AHY2530 The rise of Macedonia

* AHY2630 Late fifth century Athenian society and literature

* AHY2710 Greek epigraphy

* AHY2770 Ancient Greek reading course A

* AHY2790 Ancient Greek reading course B

* AHY2810 Language and sources of ancient history I

* AHY2830 Language and sources of ancient history II

Third-year level

Coordinator: S J Bastomsky

Many third-year options are also offered at second-year level. In all such cases the third-year units have the same basic teaching hours and core syllabus as their second-year counterparts. Assessment is similar but more rigorous.

For other units offered inside and outside the department which may be taken in a third-year ancient history course, see the overview at the head of this entry. All units are offered on the Clayton campus only.

Prerequisite for all third-year ancient history subjects except AHY3710, AHY3790 and AHY3830: normally a minor sequence as defined in the overview above, or a minor sequence in classical civilisation or a minor sequence in history.

Additional prerequisite for AHY3710: a first-year sequence in Ancient Greek, or AHY2770 plus AHY2790, or AHY2810 plus AHY2830.

Additional prerequisite for AHY3790: AHY3770

Additional prerequisite for AHY3830: AHY2810/3810

* AHY3210 From Republic to Empire

* AHY3230 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War

* AHY3240 Historiography

* AHY3410 Women in Roman society

* AHY3510 From Tiberius to Domitian

* AHY3530 The rise of Macedon

* AHY3630 Late fifth century Athenian society and literature

* AHY3710 Greek epigraphy

* AHY3730 Orality and literacy

* AHY3770 Ancient Greek reading course A

* AHY3790 Ancient Greek reading course B

* AHY3810 Language and sources of ancient history 1

* AHY3830 Language and sources of ancient history 2

Fourth-year level

Coordinators: P J Bicknell and J R Ellis

All fourth-year students are required to complete an honours dissertation of about 10,000 words [AHY4720] and three coursework units. The latter must include AHY4740 (Methodology of ancient history) and at least one ancient history special subject (AHY4760). The third unit may be any out of AHY4780, AHY4820, AHY4840, CCV4740 (Methodology; texts), one cultural component of CCV4760, HSY4910 (Using the ancient past; three traditions), and EUR4520 (Manuscript studies).

* AHY4720 Dissertation

* AHY4740 Methodology

* AHY4760 Special subject: ancient history A

* AHY4780 Special subject: ancient history B

* AHY4820 Epigraphy

* AHY4840 Language study


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