Advanced practice skills for human services A
Leah Zaks
3 hours per week * First semester * Caulfield * Prerequisite: WEL2390
Settings: agencies; government, non-government and private. Approaches: developmental and paternalistic. Clients: voluntary, statutory, institutional, individuals, families, victims, perpetrators, gender, ethnicity. Service providers: perspectives, values, skills, obstacles. Problems: presenting and underlying problems, issues from the past, issues in the present, fears for the future, problems of affect, problems in thinking, problems with behaviour.
Written (6000 words): 40% * Practical/Laboratory work: 60%
Recommended texts
de Shazer S Clues: Investigating solutions in brief therapy Norton, 1988
Edelstein M G Symptom analysis: A method of brief Therapy Norton 1990
Fisch R and others The tactics of change: Doing therapy briefly Jossey Bass, 1983
Haley J Problem solving therapy Harper, 1976
Mehr J Human services: Concepts and intervention Strategies 3rd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1986