Television studies
D Williams
8 points * 4 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: At least one of VSA1040, VSA1050, VSA2190 or VA103.06
Employing textual criticism, critical theory and political economy, the course will survey a variety of approaches to the study of television. We will consider the phenomena of television in its application as mass communication, as a vehicle of ideology and as a site for the emergence of `negotiated' meanings. By analysing a variety of television texts (including television news, current affairs programs, soap operas and advertisements) the course will examine some of the general systems of representation that have emerged in popular television and film. Methodologies derived from film theory, semiotics, structuralism, post structuralism and cultural studies will provide perspectives on the systems of representation that television has produced. Comparisons may be made with films from the art cinema and with independent film and video. Attention will be given to the economic organisation of television production in Australia, and topics for special study will include issues of gender, race relations and consumerism.
First essay (2000 words): 35% * Second essay (3000 words): 45% * Visual test (1 hour): 20%
Prescribed texts
Barthes R Mythologies Paladin, 1973
Tulloch J and Turner G Australian television programs, pleasure and politics Allen and Unwin, 1989
Recommended texts
Bell P and Others Programmed politics: A study of Australian television Sable, 1982
Bennet T and others (eds) Popular television and film BFI and Open UP, 1981
Bonney B and Wilson H Australia's commercial media Macmillan, 1983
Brown M E Television and women's culture Currency, 1990
Curran J and others (eds) Mass communication and society Arnold, 1982
Fiske J and Hartley J Reading television Methuen, 1980
Harley J Understanding news Methuen, 1980
Hawkes T Structuralism and semiotics Methuen, 1977
Kaplan E Regarding television critical approaches - an anthology University Publications of America, 1983
Michaels E For a cultural future Artspace, 1987
Moran A and O'Regan T An Australian film reader Currency, 1985
Schneider C and Wallis B (eds) Global television Wedge Press, 1989
Williamson J Decoding advertisements, ideology and meaning in advertising Marion Boyars, 1978