Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Social Work II

8 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisite: A pass in SWK3110

This subject comprises two parts: `Groupwork' and `Family work'. `Groupwork' examines the historical development of groupwork; the groupwork process with emphasis on the beginning, ending and enhancing communication in groups; group leadership styles and terminating groups. In `Family work', family functioning is explained from a systemic framework, different perspectives and implications for practice.


`Groupwork' - One written assignment (3000 words): 50% * `Family work' - One written assignment (2500-3000 words): 50%

Prescribed text

Carew R Group leadership skills Dept of Social Work, Monash U (for `Groupwork')

Hartman and Laird Family centred social work (for `Family work')

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