Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Polish studies I/1A

J Clarke and L Zarnowsky

6 points * 4 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: VCE/HSC Polish or equivalent

(1) Language: A review of various aspects of contemporary Polish, including the language of business and the professions, dialects and colloquial speech. Features of vocabulary (synonymy, antonymy, lexical development) will be studied on the basis of modern texts, especially in comparison with texts related to Polish romanticism and positivism. (2) Literature and society: An introduction to major literary, social and political developments in Poland between 1947 and the Solidarity movement. Selected literary texts of the period will be studied in Polish. (3) Comparative cultural studies of East European countries: A selection of texts will be studied to disclose the special social, political and cultural role of literature in central and eastern Europe. (4) Study and practice of translation.


Language - Test (2hours): 20% * Written: 20% * Literature and society - Essay (1500 words): 25% * Tutorial paper: 15% * Comparative cultural studies - Tutorial paper: 15% * Test: 10%

Prescribed texts

Matuszewski R Polska literatura wspolczesna 1986

Cegiela A and Markowski A Z polszczyzna za pan brat 1986

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