Power, policy, patriarchy and the state
A R Edwards
12 points * 2 hours per week * First semester * Clayton
The content of the subject is the presentation and evaluation of major sociological approaches to the study of power and the modern state, covering the Weberian and Marxist traditions, feminism, other structural theories, Foucault and post-structuralism. This involves looking at different theories, key concepts such as welfare, welfare state, inequality, gender, citizenship and social justice, and some particular policy issues and areas of current concern.
Two exercises (2000 words each): 20% each * Essay (5000 words): 60%
Recommended texts
Beilharz P and others Arguing about the welfare state Allen and Unwin, 1992
Bryson L Welfare and the state: Who benefits? Macmillan, 1992
Davis G and others Public policy in Australia 2nd edn, Allen and Unwin, 1993
Esping-Andersen G The three worlds of welfare capitalism Polity, 1990
Graycar A and Jamrozik A How Australians live: Social policy in theory and practice Macmillan, 1989 or 1993
Sassoon A S (ed.) Women and the state Unwin Hyman, 1987
Taylor-Gooby P Social change, social welfare and social science Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991
Watson S (ed.) Playing the state Allen and Unwin, 1990