Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Conservation biology

A Lill

8 points * 5 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: None, but preference given to those completing either LSC2011 or LSC2031

The emphasis in this subject is on human impact on the environment and the major environmental issues that will confront humanity during the next few decades. The subject essentially consists of an examination of the nature and consequences of human impact on aquatic and terrestrial environments and on the atmosphere. The following topics are covered: biodiversity; river impoundments; heavy metal pollution and eutrophication of inland waters; exploitation of marine environments; effect of fire and habitat destruction on terrestrial vertebrates; human impact on land plants; land degradation, salination and desertification; effects of exotics on native biota; the `greenhouse' effect, effect of CO2 levels on photosynthesis; industrial emissions and acid rain; nuclear radiation and warfare; principles and ethics of conservation.


Essay (2500 words): 25% * Examination (2 hours): 45% * Practical work and continuous assessment: 30%

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