Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Introductory Italian IA

F Bisiani

6 points * 5 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: None. For students with little or no previous knowledge of Italian

This accelerated subject uses an integrated communicative approach and aims to provide an introduction to contemporary Italian and a basic foundation for the development of competence in using it. A wide range of texts and materials is used to foster the development of communicative competence and provide sociocultural insights. An optional holiday camp weekend is offered at the end of semester.


Continuous assessment (class work, homework and tests; oral and written tasks): 50%. End of semester written and oral testing: 50%

Prescribed text

Merlonghi and others Oggi in Italia 4th edn, Houghton Mifflin

Merlonghi and others Oggi in Italia: Workbook/laboratory manual 4th edn, Houghton Mifflin

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