Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Modern Russia: the rise and fall of Soviet power

Ian Cummins

8 points * 2 lectures and 1 tutorial per week * First semester * Clayton

This subject will examine the origins, course and impact of the Russian revolutions of 1917. It will then focus on the rise and evolution of the Soviet regime, principally in the eras of Lenin and Stalin, and consider the causes of the end of the Soviet order in 1991.


Written (4000 words): 60% * Examination (2 hours): 30% * Class participation/attendance: 10%

Prescribed texts

Carr E H The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin, 1917-1929 Macmillan, 1980

Christian D Power and privilege: Russia and the Soviet Union in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Pitman, 1986

Fitzpatrick S The Russian Revolution OUP, 1983

Hosking G A history of the Soviet Union Fontana, 1985

Schapiro L The Communist Party of the Soviet Union Methuen, 1970

Siegelbaum L Soviet state and society between revolutions, 1918-1929 Cambridge UP, 1992

White S After Gorbachev 4th edn, Cambridge UP, 1993

Recommended texts

Kochan L and Abraham R The making of modern Russia Pelican, 1990

Merridale C and Ward C Perestroika: The historical perspective Edward Arnold, 1991

Nove A Stalinism and after Allen and Unwin, 1975

Tucker R C The Lenin anthology Norton, 1980

Wilson E To the Finland station Fontana, 1988

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