Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Faith, power and revolution: Islam in modern history

Not offered in 1995


Germany 1815-1918: politics, ideas and society

Eleanor Hancock

8 points * 2 lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week * First semester * Clayton * Prohibitions: HSY2510 in 1994, 1992 or earlier

A history of Germany from the foundation of the German Confederation to the end of the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. The subject will concentrate on the domestic and foreign implications of `the German question' as it developed in the nineteenth and early twentieth century - the development of German unity, the problems a united Germany caused for the European state system and the process of political and social change and development within the German states in this period. The subject will also study the German intellectual contribution to modern Europe in this period. The processes of unification, industrialisation and modernisation will be examined, as will the development of politics, society and foreign policy in Imperial Germany up to and including World War One and the German revolutions of 1918.


Written (4000 words): 40% * Examination (2 hours): 50% * Class participation/attendance: 10%

Preliminary reading

Ardagh J Germany and the Germans Penguin, 1991

Craig GA The Germans Penguin, 1984

Recommended texts

Carr W A history of Germany 1815-1985 4th edn, Arnold, 1991

Jelavich B Modern Austria CUP, 1987

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