Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Indonesia in the twentieth century

8 points * One lecture and one 2-hour seminar per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: A first-year sequence in HSY or Indo/Malay or permission of the head of department

Indonesia, Australia's nearest and largest Asian neighbour, has grown in this century from a Dutch colonial territory into the third most populous state of Asia and the most populous Muslim nation in the world. This subject examines the ways in which ethnic and religious diversity, colonialism, nationalism, communism, Islamic reform movements, the Japanese occupation, the revolution, and the experiences of a turbulent independence have shaped the Indonesian experience in this century. Lectures provide a general framework with seminars focusing on more specific topics and analytical issues.


Written (5000 words): 90% * Examination (1 hour): 10%

Prescribed texts

Legge J D Indonesia 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall

Ricklefs M C A history of modern Indonesia 2nd edn, Macmillan

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