Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Britain in the age of revolutions

Margaret Hamersley

8 points * 2 lectures and 1 tutorial per week * First semester * Clayton

This subject is concerned with British society, institutions and cultural and intellectual life in the age of European revolutions. This was a period of high political tension and severe social and economic dislocation in both Britain and Ireland. The focus of the subject will be on the special features of British society which made the transition from a traditional to a modern society possible without political revolution.


Written (5000 words) * Examination (1 hour) * Class participation/attendance

Prescribed texts

Evans E J The forging of the modern state: Early industrial Britain, 1783-1879 Longman, 1983


Webb R K Modern England from the eighteenth century to the present Allen and Unwin, 1969

Recommended texts

Porter R English society in the eighteenth century Pelican, 1982

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