Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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A short history of the world

8 points * 2 lectures and 1 tutorial per week * First semester * Clayton

A history of planet earth and its human societies from the `big bang' to the present. The subject offers students a coherent vision of the past on the largest possible scale, with particular attention to environmental change and its related issues, population and disease, ecology and technology. Is there a pattern in planetary life, a direction to human history? Does our modern account of origins parallel the creation myths of other societies? Topics will include ideas of historical time, the origins of the universe and the earth, continental drift, the beginnings of life, the evolution of human beings, hunter-gatherer societies, the emergence of agriculture and of city-based civilisations, the history of disease, ecological imperialism, and the emergence of the modern capitalist world.


Written (4500 words): 60% * Examination (1.5 hours): 30% * Class participation/attendance: 10%

Prescribed text

Ponting C A green history of the world Penguin, 1991

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