Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Language and literature II

S Hesse

6 points * 5 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: GRN1070 * Prohibitions: GRN1040

The subject has three parts. Part 1: German language (as for GRN1070). Part 2: German literature, culture and society from 1900 to the present. The main trends in the literature and culture of the German speaking countries since the beginning of this century, together with the study of selected literary texts. Part 3: Introduction to German linguistics (as for GRN1070).


Written (2500 words): 35% * Examinations (3 hours): 65%

Prescribed texts

Brecht B Geschichten vom Herrn Keuner Suhrkamp

Dürrenmatt F Der Besuch der alten Dame Reclam

Handke P Wunschloses Unglück Suhrkamp

Mann T Tristan Reclam

Seghers A Der Ausflug der toten Mädchen Luchterhand

Wilkinson E M An introduction to linguistics for Australian students of German, part 2 German Dept, Monash U

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