Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Spatial data handling for thematic mapping

J A Peterson

12 points * 5 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton

This subject is designed to build on the introduction to geographical information systems offered in GES2390/3390. Content is arranged to facilitate reading, discussion and practical work using both vector and raster digital data as input to computer-based geographical information systems. Both raster-based and vector-based analysis systems will be used, and the range of input/output techniques will include handling various types of data offered on the open market, digitising, scanning, plotting, printing, and screen display. The subject will focus on the conceptual identification of spatial analysis methods for producing user-defined maps from a range of geocoded digital data and on implementing the methods to aid thematic mapping across a range of social and natural science applications. Data handling and processing will include data from earth resources satellites of several kinds.


Written (two 1500-word exercises and two theory assignments): 30% * Weekly practical exercises: 25% * Examinations (practical): 20% * Examinations (theory): 25%

Prescribed texts

Star J and Estes J Geographic information systems Prentice Hall, 1990

Huxhold W E An introduction to geographic information systems OUP, 1991

Martin D Geographic information systems and their socioeconomic applications Routledge, 1991

Harrison B A and Jupp D L B Introduction to remotely sensed data CSIRO, 1989

Harrison B A and Jupp D L B Introduction to image processing CSIRO, 1990

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