Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Climates of the earth boundary layer

Proposed to be offered next in 1996

N J Tapper

8 points * 5 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: As for GES2122

This subject is designed to explain climates found near to the ground in terms of the cycling of energy and mass through systems. After a discussion of atmospheric processes and how they interact with physical properties of surfaces to produce distinctive climates, climates of various natural and society-modified environments are examined in detail. Natural environments considered are of increasing complexity, from simple non-vegetated surfaces, through vegetated surfaces to non-uniform terrain. The modified environments are considered in terms of intentional and unintended modifications, with urban modification of the atmospheric environment receiving particular attention. Throughout the subject relevant examples are drawn from the Autralasian region.


Written (3000 words): 30% * Examinations (3 hours): 35% * Practical work/fieldwork: 30%

Prescribed texts

Oke T R Boundary layer climates Methuen, 1987

Recommended texts

Geiger R The climate near the ground 4th edn, Harvard UP, 1973

Linacre E T and Hobbs J The Australian climatic environment Wiley, 1977

Lowry W P Weather and life: An introduction to biometeorology 2nd edn, Academic Press, 1970

Sellers W D Physical climatology U Chicago P, 1972

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