Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Poetry and poetics in modern France

Not offered in 1995


Seventeenth century French theatre

Not offered in 1995

M Redmond

8 points * First semester * Clayton

A study of three major dramatists in the context of the literary, social and performance conventions of seventeenth century France. The aim is to develop an understanding of the relationship between script and reader, performance and audience. Discussion of filmed productions will supplement lectures.


Written (2000 words): 40% * Class test (2 hours): 30% * Seminar presentation (20 minutes): 30%

Prescribed texts

Corneille L'Illusion comique Bordas

Molière Don Juan Hachette

Molière Le Misanthrope Hachette

Racine Phèdre Bordas or Larousse

Recommended texts

Lough J Seventeenth century French drama: The background Clarendon

Ubersfeld A Lire le théâtre Editions sociales

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