Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


French language variation

J Burston

8 points * 3 hours per week * First semester * Clayton

Despite its unavoidability in the context of foreign language instruction, the presumption of linguistic uniformity in French is in fact no more than a heuristic operating principle. As in any language, the lack of homogeneity in French is the result of several factors: historical evolution, geographical location, socioeconomic status and, at the individual level, the particular circumstances and subject matter of discourse. The purpose of this subject is to provide an introduction to the study of variation in French, as viewed from the following perspectives: (i) regional varieties within France; (ii) French outside France; (iii) sociolinguistic differences.


Phonetic transcription text: 10% * Seminar paper and class presentation: 35% * Final class test (2 hours): 55%

Prescribed text

Ager D Sociolinguistics and contemporary French Cambridge UP

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