Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


French studies IA

S Staddon

8 points * 6 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: Normally at least a credit grade in FRN1020

The subject consists of two parts: (i) Language in use and (ii) Reading contemporary France: reconstructions of meaning. (i) Language in use - Practical language acquisition including reading and listening comprehension and oral and written production tasks set in different areas of contemporary French civilisation. Use is made of authentic written, oral and audiovisual materials. The knowledge and application of grammatical structures and vocabulary acquired in FRN1020 is consolidated and developed further to enable students who successfully complete FRN2030 and FRN2040 to take FRN3090 and FRN3100 (French studies IIIA and IIIB). (ii) Reading contemporary France: reconstructions of meaning - This part of the subject aims to provide students with an explicitly informed practice of reading. Prescribed texts are representative of the cultural production of France, across a range of codes, discourses and registers, from the Second World War to the present day. Lectures and tutorials will engage students in understanding and identifying linguistic and genre-specific semiotic structures of texts, and developing these skills through intensive text analysis. Students will gain an understanding of the contexts of the production of the texts. By examining the interaction of text and context, they will question the text as ideological construct and evaluate the ways in which it reproduces or reshapes social systems of production of self, otherness, the world and their histories.


Part (i): As for FRN1070 with modified final exam * Part (ii): Guided textual analysis: 10% * Essay (1200 words): 15% * Civilisation test (1 hour): 10% * Tutorial work: 5%

Prescribed texts

Camus A L'étranger Folio

French at Monash French section, Monash U

Gibert P and others Bonne route 2 - leçons 1 à 28 Alliance Française-Hachette

Malle L Au revoir les enfants L'Avant-scène Cinema

Recommended texts

Baker B and others Collage, révision de grammaire Random House


Batchelor R E and Offord M H Using French Cambridge UP

Collins-Robert French-English English-French Dictionary Collins and Société du Nouveau Littré

Muyskens J A and others Rendez-vous: an invitation to French 4th edn, McGraw-Hill

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