Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Contemporary women's fiction and theory

P Nestor

12 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton

The subject provides an introduction to feminist literary theory and surveys contemporary fiction by women. A focus for study will be offered by an examination of uses of autobiography, re-vision and re-construction - the act of `re-membering the self,' which is one of the fundamental preoccupations of contemporary women's writing. The subject will enable the department to extend its coverage of developments in women's literature, allowing students to build, if they choose, on the historical perspectives offered by ENH/ENM4180 (Writing women). The novels listed below will be discussed in class. The editions cited are particularly recommended, but students are free to use any edition available to them.


Major essay (3500 words), usually based on class paper on the same topic: 40% * Two shorter papers (2500 words): 25% each * Class participation: 10% * Students whose class performance or written work is unsatisfactory may be required to sit an exam

Prescribed texts

Alther L Other women Penguin

Anderson J Tirra lirra by the river Penguin

Atwood M Cat's eye Virago

Hulme K The Bone people Pan

Lee H (ed.) The secret self: Short stories by women Dent

Modjeska D Poppy McPhee Gribble

Olsen T Tell me a riddle Virago

Sarraute N Childhood John Calder

Morrison T Beloved Picador

Weldon F The life and loves of a she devil Coronet

Note: Additional texts relating to feminist literary theory will be provided by the department


Eagleton M Feminist literary theory: A reader Blackwell

Moi T Sexual/textual politics Methuen

Showalter E The new feminist criticism Virago

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