Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Australian autobiography

B Niall

12 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton

Many of the major achievements in Australian literature since the 1950s have been autobiographies but only within the last decade has much critical attention been given to the form. As a literary form, autobiography is rich and varied; it is also culturally revealing. Like its counterpart in the United States, the Australian autobiography is much concerned with ideas about national identity; it frequently presupposes a national type or a typical environment against which the narrator attempts self-definition. This study of Australian autobiography will raise questions about the distinctive concerns and structures of the genre. It will examine recurring myths of `growing up Australian' and consider ways in which such myths may be seen to be endorsed or subverted.


Two seminar papers (2500 words): 30% each * Essay (4000 words): 40%

Prescribed texts

Clark M The puzzles of childhood Penguin

Conway J The road from Coorain Minerva

Facey A A fortunate life Fremantle Arts Press

Franklin M Childhood at Brindabella Angus and Robertson

Gilbert K (ed.) Living black Penguin

Greer G Daddy we hardly knew you Penguin

Horne D The education of young Donald Angus and Robertson

Malouf M 12 Edmondstone Street Penguin

Modjeska D Poppy Penguin

Morgan S My place Fremantle Arts Press

Park R A fence around the cuckoo Penguin

Porter H The watcher on the cast-iron balcony Faber

Riemer A Inside, Outside Angus and Robertson

White P Flaws in the glass Penguin

Preliminary reading

Donaldson I and others Shaping lives Humanities Research Centre, ANU

Olney J (ed.) Autobiography: Essays theoretical and critical

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