Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Theories of discourse: poststructuralism, feminism and sociolinguistics

Proposed to be offered next in 1996

T Threadgold

12 points * 2.5 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: ENH1040, or ENH2560/3560 (Literature as discourse), or LIN3570 (Discourse analysis), or ENH1111/CLS1010, or ENH1122/CLS1020.

The subject will focus on a variety of approaches to discourse analysis from the perspective of recent critical, literary and feminist theory. The term `discourse analysis' is used by the disciplines of sociolinguistics, sociology, anthropology and philosophy, and is current within a wide range of theoretical frameworks - positivism, phenomenology, structuralism, Marxism, and feminism - and their neo- and post-varieties. This subject will be structured around four major areas. The first includes formal approaches which construe discourse as text. The second covers modes of analysis which have taken discourse to mean conversation. The third will deal with the critical approach to discourse that is typical of the work of continental discourse theorists like Foucault, Lyotard, Pecheux, Bourdieu and de Certeau. The fourth will explore approaches to language, semiotics and discourse by women which work within or against empirical/positivist, sociolinguistic, and poststructuralist modes of discourse analysis (Deborah Cameron, Julia Kristeva, Teresa de Lauretis, and a number of Australian feminists). The subject will ask questions about the possible relations between these approaches and try to develop the resources for critical and politically informed kinds of discourse analysis in a variety of contexts and fields.


Assignment (2000 words): 30% * Assignment (4000 words): 40% * Seminar paper (3000 words): 30%

Recommended texts

Bourdieu B Language and symbolic power Polity Press

Cameron D Feminism and linguistic theory MacMillan

Cameron D and Frazer E A feminist investigation of sexual murder Polity Press

de Certeau M The practice of everyday life California UP

Fairclough N Language and power Longman

Foucault M The order of things: An archaeology of the human sciences Tavistock

Foucault M The archaeology of knowledge Tavistock

Foucault M Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison Allen Land

Gumperz J and Hymes D (eds) Directions in sociolinguistics: The ethnography of communication Holt, Rinehart and Winston

Halliday M A K Explorations in the functions of language Arnold

Kristeva J Revolution in poetic language Columbia UP

de Lauretis T Alice doesn't: Feminism, semiotics, cinema Indiana UP

MacDonell D Theories of discourse Blackwell

Weedon C Feminist practice and poststructuralist theory Blackwell

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