Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Children's literature: a comparative study

Proposed to be offered next in 1996


Formative influences: myths, legends and fairy tales in children's literature

G Barnett

8 points * First semester * Peninsula * Prerequisites: ENH1012 and ENH1100, or approved equivalents


Written (4000 words) * Examinations (2 hours)

Prescribed texts

Alexander L The book of three Armada Lion

Cooper S The dark is rising Puffin

Garner A The owl service Lion

Hoban R The mouse and his child Penguin

L'Engle M A wrinkle in time Puffin

Le Guin U The wizard of Earthsea Puffin

Lewis C S The lion, the witch and the wardrobe Puffin

O'Brien R C Mrs Frisby and the rats of NIMH Puffin

Tolkein J R R The hobbit Puffin

Wrightson P The nargun and the stars Puffin

A collection of fairy tales (to be notified)

Recommended texts

Bettleheim B The uses of enchantment Thames and Hudson

Jung C Man and his symbols Doubleday

Zipes J Fairy tales and the art of subversion Heinemann

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