Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Drama into Film

S Tweg

8 points * 2 or 4 hours per week (2-hour lecture/screen in alternative week) * First semester * Caulfield

A study of texts which exist as plays and films. The subject explores ways in which dramatists and film directors realise their respective visions within the modes and techniques available to them. The subject emphasises a range of drama and a range of cinematic approaches to the literary text. Topics include the nature and function of dialogue in play and film, mise-en-scène in theatre and film, the question of realism, and drama text and screenplay, as `blueprints' for performance.


Class presentation and participation: 25% * Exercise (1500 words): 25% * Essay (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Euripides Medea Penguin

Hare D Plenty Faber

Ibsen H A Doll's House Penguin

Orton J Loot Methuen

Shaffer P Equus Penguin

Shakespeare W The Taming of the Shrew New Penguin Shakespeare

Recommended reading

Bordwell D Narration in the fiction film Wisconsin UP

Nicoll A Film and theatre Harrap

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