Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Modern English literature: modernism and postmodernism

Proposed to be offered next in 1996

8 points * 1-hour lecture (or film), plus a 1.5-hour seminar per week * Second semester * Clayton

This subject will attempt to define some of the major cultural modernist and postmodernist movements of the twentieth century. In focusing on some of the central figures of `high modernism' like Eliot, Joyce and Woolf, the subject will explore their relationships with anthropology and psychology, painting, music and science, within the larger intellectual and interdisciplinary context of modernism. From this base, we will then examine some of the preoccupations of three postmodern texts - Flaubert's parrot, Charades and The joke.


Seminar paper (1000 words): 20% * Short essay: (1500 words): 20% * Long essay (2500 words): 40% * Examination (1 hour): 20%

Prescribed texts

Conrad J Victory Penguin

Eliot T S Selected poems Faber

Joyce J Ulysses Penguin

Yeats W B Selected poetry Pan or

Yeats W B Collected poems Papermac

Lawrence D H Sons and lovers Penguin

Woolf V To the lighthouse Penguin

Barnes J Flaubert's parrot Picador

Kundera M The joke Faber

Hospital J Charades Penguin

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