Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Modern American literature: writing the South

E Barry

8 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton

This subject will examine the nature of the myth-making process in both serious and popular fiction of the American Southern states. It will look at a range of traditional literary modes and voices - historical romance, dialect comedy, slave narratives, folk-tale, `Southern grotesque' - and some of the ways in which these are currently being reshaped. In particular it will explore the writing of two social groups - women and blacks - whose identity was most often subsumed into stereotype and whose emergence from invisibility has contributed greatly to the strength of contemporary American literature.


Seminar paper (15 minutes): 20% * Essay (1500 words): 20% * Essay (3000 words): 40% * Seminar participation: 20%

Prescribed texts

Abbott D and Koppelman S (eds) The Signet classic book of Southern short stories

Baldwin J Notes of a native son Dell

Chopin K The awakening Signet

Faulkner W The sound and the fury Penguin

Hurston Z N Their eyes were watching God Virago

Jacobs H Incidents in the life of a slave girl, written by herself Harvard UP

MacCarthy C All the pretty horses Picador

Morrison T Beloved Pan

O'Connor F Everything that rises must converge Penguin

Stowe H B Uncle Tom's cabin Signet

Twain M Pudd'nhead Wilson Penguin

Preliminary reading

Cash W J The mind of the South

Morrison T Playing in the dark Harvard UP

Van Deburg W Slavery and race in American culture

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