Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Literary women of the eighteenth century

Proposed to be offered next in 1996

H Thomson

8 points * 2 hours per week * First semester * Clayton

The subject provides an opportunity for students to extend their study both of women's writing and literature of the eighteenth century. It will consider those women writers who have been traditionally excluded from previous eighteenth-century courses consisting entirely, for the most part, of male writers. Topics discussed will include male representations of fictional women, the epistolary novel, the diary and memoir, class and female autonomy, the courtship novel, didactic strategies, the moral etiquette novel, women and capitalism, and the female Gothic novel.


Essay (2000 words): 40% * Essay (3000 words): 60%

Prescribed texts

Austen J Emma OUP

Burney F Evelina OUP

Defoe D Roxana OUP

Lonsdale R (ed.) Eighteenth century women poets

Radcliffe A The romance of the forest OUP

Richardson S Pamela Vol. 1 Penguin

Todd J (ed.) Aphra Behn: Oroonoko, The rover and other works Penguin

Wollstonecraft M Mary and The wrongs of woman OUP

Recommended texts

Butler M Romantics, rebels and reactionaries: English literature and its background 1760-1830 OUP

Spencer J The rise of the woman novelist: From Aphra Benn to Jane Austen Allen and Unwin

Spender D Mothers of the novel Pandora

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