Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


The reader in history

H Love

6 points * 2.5 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: ENH1010 or ENH1060/DTS1060 or ENH1111/CLS1010

The premise of this subject is that an education in `English' is about learning to understand a variety of reading practices, and that these can be historically contextualised. The approach will be chronological, moving forward from practices that still have a strong oral component to present-day models of interpretive reading.


Exercise (1000 words): 20% * Essay (1500 words): 30% * Examination (2 hours): 40% * Attendance and participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

Bible: The song of songs (any edn)

Calvino I If on a winter's night a traveller

Leonard J (ed.) Seven centuries of poetry in English 2nd edn, OUP

James H The Aspern papers Penguin

Shakespeare The Tempest Penguin

Swift J A tale of a tub and other works World's Classics

Recommended texts

Appleyard J Becoming a reader CUP

Ong W Orality and literacy Routledge

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