Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to


Primitivism and progress

G Hiller

6 points * 2.5 hours per week * Second semester * Caulfield * Prerequisites: ENH1011

The subject explores the ways literature depicts relationships between the primitive life - imagined variously as savage, innocent, or naive -and that of civilisation. The texts present different and frequently ambiguous attitudes to the juxtaposed values of primitive and sophisticated humanity. Some of the themes which will be explored are (a) the island or remote place as an area of conflicting values and lifestyles; (b) the impulse to create civilisation in harmony with the natural environment - its successes and failures; (c) an `old world' based on traditional notions of civilisations juxtaposed with a `new world' promising a radically different set of cultural values.


Essay (1500 words): 30% * Exercise (1000 words): 10% * Examination (2 hours): 50% * Class paper and participation: 10%

Prescribed texts

Coetzee Foe Penguin

Conrad Heart of darkness Penguin

Defoe Robinson Crusoe Penguin

Golding Lord of the flies Faber

James H The Europeans Penguin

Malouf An imaginary life Pan

Shakespeare The Tempest Penguin

Stevenson R L Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other stories Penguin

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