Monash University Arts Undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Asian theatre: an introduction

B Hatley

8 points * 3 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton

The subject provides an introduction to the classical traditions and contemporary practice of theatre in Asian societies through a focus on Indonesia and Japan. A number of thematic issues important in the performing traditions of both countries are identified and explored - the contested meanings of `tradition' and `modernity', the role of theatre as an expression of cultural identity, the history of contact with Western models and connections between theatre and politics. The subject reviews the traditional, `classical' forms of theatre in both societies in their historical social contexts and as they are produced today. We then explore the appearance of new forms of theatrical expression as a result of cultural contact with the West, in relation to the thematic issues mentioned above.


Essay (3500 words): 50% * One seminar presentation plus one written paper (2500 words): 40% * Seminar participation: 10%

Recommended reading

Goodman D The return of the gods: Japanese culture and drama in the 1960s M E Sharpe, 1988

Keeler W Javanese shadow puppets, Javanese selves Princeton UP, 1987

Ernst E The Kabuki theatre U Hawaii P, 1974

Rafferty E (ed.) Puru Wijaya in performance U Winsconsin P, 1989

Schechner R Between theatre and anthropology Pennsylvania UP

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