Modernism in European literature
Millicent Vladiv-Glover
8 points * 3 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton
A study of the modernist movement as a supra-national European cultural paradigm. The texts will cover the literatures of both Eastern and Western Europe, and will be studied in English translation, though they may be read in their original languages. The poetics of the various modernist `schools,' such as symbolism, futurism, expressionism and surrealism, will be studied in the context of the theory of the avant-garde and with reference to the major twentieth-century cultural paradigm shift from modernism to postmodernism.
Essay (3000 words): 45% * Class paper (1500 words): 25% * Test (1.5 hours): 30%
Prescribed texts
Andric I The pasha's concubine and other tales Allen and Unwin
Bely A Petersburg Indiana UP
Bürger P Theory of the avant-garde Minnesota UP
Chekhov A The Seagull (first act) OUP
Gide A The counterfeiters Penguin
Gerould D (ed) Doubles, demons and dreamers: An international collection of symbolist drama Performing Arts Journal Public
Hesse H Siddhartha Penguin
Lawton A (ed) Russian futurism through its manifestos, 1912-1928 Cornell UP
Lange F Metropolis (constructivist film)
Magritte R `Magritte' or `The Lesson of Objects' (film script) in Harry Torczyner's Magritte: Ideas and images Harry N Abrams Inc.
Nietzsche F The birth of tragedy Pantheon
Rilke R M The notebook of Malte Laurids Brigge OUP
Tzara T Seven Dada manifestos and lampisteries Calder
Vertov D Enthusiasm (constructivist film)
Whitman W The complete poems Penguin
Wilde O Salome Orbis
Woolfe V To the lighthouse Vintage