Structuralisms and poststructuralisms
Proposed to be offered next in 1996
D B Miller
8 points * 2 hours per week * Second semester * Clayton
This subject examines the contribution that structuralism and poststructuralism have made and might make to our understanding of society and culture. Following an examination of the structuralisms of Levi-Strauss, Dumont, Leach and Althusser, the subject considers a range of poststructuralist critiques focusing in particular on the work of Bourdieu and Spivak.
Essay (2000 words): 40% * Essay (4000 words): 60%
Recommended texts
Beilharz P (ed.) Social theory: A guide to central thinkers Allen and Unwin, 1991
Bourdieu P Outline of a theory of practice CUP, 1977
Bourdieu P The logic of practice Polity, 1992
Culler J On deconstruction RKP, 1983
Culler J Saussure Fontana, 1976
Grosz E Sexual subversions: Three French feminists Allen and Unwin, 1989
Hawkes T Structuralism and semiotics Methuen, 1977
Leach E R Levi-Strauss Fontana, 1970
Leach E R Structuralist interpretations of Biblical myth CUP, 1983
Levi-Strauss C The view from afar Penguin, 1987
Levi-Strauss C Structural anthropology two vols, Penguin, 1977
Norris C Deconstruction: Theory and practice Methuen, 1982
Spivak G C In other worlds Methuen, 1987
Sturrock J (ed.) Structuralism and since Opus, 1980
Weedon C Feminist practice and poststructuralist theory Blackwell, 1987
Young R White mythologies RKP, 1990